See How This Creative Entrepreneur Celebrates Mexican Artistry in Party Decor

See How This Creative Entrepreneur Celebrates Mexican Artistry in Party Decor
Credit: Allison Nevins/TexMex Fun Stuff.

Allison Nevins founded TexMex Fun Stuff, which sells handmade party decor by Mexican artists! In our discussion, Allison shares her path to entrepreneurship, how she grew a successful online venture, the inspiration she draws from her surroundings in Mexico City and the valuable lessons she’s learned along the way. Let’s dive into her interview.

How did you get started selling Mexican party decor?

Mexican papel picado (party banners) and piñatas were my favorite items to buy and sell in a boutique shop that I used to own in Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico. When I realized that they were the easiest to ship, I decided to sell them exclusively online at TexMex Fun Stuff!

Credit: Allison Nevins/TexMex Fun Stuff.

At what point did you realize you could start a business?

I noticed no one was selling foldable traditional star piñatas and handmade papel picado on Amazon or I knew I could be the first. 

How do you define success for your creative business?

Sharing the customs and traditions of Mexico with an international audience has been unbelievably gratifying. The first time I saw one of our products in a customer’s social posts, I thought, “That is success.”  

Credit: Allison Nevins/TexMex Fun Stuff.

Where do you find inspiration?

Once I moved back to Mexico from Austin, TX, I started finding inspiration everywhere around me.  I am so lucky to live in Mexico City, where art is in the mercados (markets), on the sides of buildings, on sidewalks and on light post hangings!

What advice would you give someone wanting to begin selling their art or creative product?

If the goal is to sell online, learn how to take fantastic plain white background photos and beautiful lifestyle photos. Also, be prepared to do a lot of keyword research to get your buyers to your products! If selling in person, either at fairs, expos or in stores, make sure the admission fee or rent is worth it!

Credit: Allison Nevins/TexMex Fun Stuff.

What’s something our audience would be surprised to learn about you?

I am not an artistic person at all, but I really love Mexican folk art. With a background in sales and marketing, I parlayed my love of folk art into sales for my favorite artists. It makes me happy to know that the artists I work with from the village in Puebla, Mexico, always have something to work on because of the niche I have carved out online in the USA.

As creatives, we can continuously create and refine our art. How do you handle perfectionism?

I really wish I had an answer for you there. I continuously have to remind myself that art isn’t perfect, and you cannot expect perfect when an item is handmade. I drink a lot of tequila to calm myself down when I encounter my own perfectionism—no joke! And tequila is NEVER good advice!

Credit: Allison Nevins/TexMex Fun Stuff.

What’s something that surprised you about running a creative business?

Artists are not usually business-minded people. That is why I am in the business of representing them. They are so surprised that companies based in China are able to “make the same thing” in factories. I was actually very surprised to see a few of my artists’ items shipped to China via my Amazon storefront and then to see “the same thing” for half the price two months later on a competitor’s listing. Art cannot be fabricated in Chinese factories for 1/4 of the price, but knock offs can. I am surprised how hard it is to sell against this new competition, even with an ‘Hecho en Mexico’ sticker and real stories of my artists’ lives who work every day with their hands to continue their traditions.

Credit: Allison Nevins/TexMex Fun Stuff.

What advice would you give someone about handling the highs and lows of running a business?

It’s life. Hang in there when you feel low about your business, as all things ebb and flow. It is most important to celebrate and relish in your highlights or great acclaim or finally becoming profitable because remembering how good the highs are will always pull you through the lows.

Has someone ever criticized your work? How did you handle it?

Again, as a non-artist, when I get criticism about my work, I don’t necessarily take it personally. I am old enough to know that there is a lot of stuff that I don’t know, and when someone has a constructive idea as to how I could do something better, faster, cheaper or prettier, I usually listen with open ears and soul. As a work-in-progress, I can say that as 51-year-old Allison, not so much the 21-year-old version of Allison!

What’s a cause you are passionate about and why? Please list a link to a website where our audience can learn more about this cause.

  • Spay and neuter clinics for dogs and cats is tied for first with general animal rescue. Mexico has the highest rate of animal homelessness, disease and general over proliferation of any of the countries in the Americas. I have joined several networks of surgeons and volunteers to participate in free spay and neuter clinics all over the country to help reduce the animal population and to teach people about inexpensive but effective care for their pets—and, of course, adopting a new family amigo instead of buying one! Please do check out:

Can you share the name of a supplier or vendor that you use for your business that you just love—one that makes running your business a bit easier? has saved me so much time and energy looking for photographers, graphic designers, Amazon ad specialists and website developers, I cannot express enough my gratitude to have this one-stop shop for extraordinary talent in areas where I simply do not shine!

What brings you joy?

Mexican fiestas! Mexicans really know how to celebrate the many things in life that bring them joy. They constantly remind me to see joy in my life where I would instinctually take things for granted. Mexican parties give me energy as an extrovert—the look, the feel, the food and drink and the camaraderie they create. It makes mucho sense that party decorations are my business!

Thanks, Allison! You can learn more about her party decor business at

Editor’s Note: This interview has been edited for length, grammar and clarity.